Thursday 30 April 2015

Project 2 - Editing Process

The final editing process was split evenly between the whole group. Lewis and Bethan first selected some of our clips and edited the sound levels. Shannon and I then went in a few days later and pieced together our whole story, added the music and faded the sound in and out during the interview segments. Lewis was then able to polish it off and edit any remaining bits of sound that weren't quite right. Everything which was included in the our final video was shot on our second shoot. We did manage to get some nice close ups on the first shoot but in comparison to the new footage, the quality was pretty poor so we decided it was best to leave them out.

We had initially planned to include video clips of Joe in his band and perhaps some images too. However, as Joe hasn't been in the band for long they are yet to release a music video with him in it. We did find some live footage and pictures but the quality wasn't very good at all. I think this would have looked very out of place in our video so we decided to leave it out. In retrospect I don't think they would have been completely necessary anyway as Joe does a good job of explaining his journey without the need for visuals.

I am really happy with the final video we have produced. Unlike our first rough cut. our final video tells a story which flows much more smoothly. Joe comes across much more confident and his personality shines through a little more. I'm really glad that we were able to use two cameras for the outside performance. I think we did a really good job at cutting and changing between the stationary and hand held camera as this provided much more variety than what we previously had.

Friday 17 April 2015

Project 2 - Evaluation of Filming (2nd Shoot)

I am very glad that we decided to go back and re-shoot some of our footage because I'm much happier with the results. As it was such lovely weather we decided to shoot Joe's performance outside so our video will have some variation in location and we won't be confined to the recording studio. We were able to use two cameras this time to get some great shots. The first camera was set up on the tripod and left stationary throughout the performance but we decided to use the second camera to get some nice close up, hand held shots. The footage from both cameras will be mixed together, switching back and forth from one another. 

I think that the interview with Joe was much better this time round. He was much more relaxed as he had an idea of the kind of things we were going to ask him. Our whole approach to asking the questions was also more relaxed, Shannon basically just had a chat with him instead of firing questions and this helped to put him at ease as it created more of a friendly atmosphere. 

Poor sound levels were quite a big issue with what we had previously shot and we were worried that we wouldn't be able to rectify this. Luckily, this time we made sure that we were recording at the correct levels which will save us from doing too much editing in post production. 

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Project 2 - Call Sheet (2nd Shoot)

PRODUCTION TITLE: We Are (Working Title)

LOCATION: 47 Middlefield Road, Cossington, LE7 4UT

DATE OF SHOOT: 15/04/2015

MEETING TIME & PLACE: 12:20 at DeMontfort AV Loans

CREW: Producer/Director, camera/lighting, sound/recording: Shannon Orviss, Lindsey Berrill, Bethan Harbison & Lewis Apps

Shannon Orviss     Mob Tel: 07968658140

Lindsey Berrill        Mob Tel: 07547636586

Bethan Harbison    Mob Tel: 07854313817

Lewis Apps             Mob Tel: 07949442059


EQUIPMENT: 1 x Zoom recorder
                        1 x Headphones
                        1 x Tripod
                        1 x Boom Mic
                        2 x Canon XF100

SCHEDULE: 12:20 - Lindsey and Shannon meet to collect equipment
                      12:45 - Meet Bethan and Lewis and drive to Joe's house
                      1:15   - Arrive at Joe's house to set up for filming outside
                      1:25   - Shoot footage of Joe singing outside
                      1:40   - Set up inside for interview
                      1:45   - Shoot interview
                      2:00   - Shoot additional footage
                      2:30   - Wrap