Thursday 30 April 2015

Project 2 - Editing Process

The final editing process was split evenly between the whole group. Lewis and Bethan first selected some of our clips and edited the sound levels. Shannon and I then went in a few days later and pieced together our whole story, added the music and faded the sound in and out during the interview segments. Lewis was then able to polish it off and edit any remaining bits of sound that weren't quite right. Everything which was included in the our final video was shot on our second shoot. We did manage to get some nice close ups on the first shoot but in comparison to the new footage, the quality was pretty poor so we decided it was best to leave them out.

We had initially planned to include video clips of Joe in his band and perhaps some images too. However, as Joe hasn't been in the band for long they are yet to release a music video with him in it. We did find some live footage and pictures but the quality wasn't very good at all. I think this would have looked very out of place in our video so we decided to leave it out. In retrospect I don't think they would have been completely necessary anyway as Joe does a good job of explaining his journey without the need for visuals.

I am really happy with the final video we have produced. Unlike our first rough cut. our final video tells a story which flows much more smoothly. Joe comes across much more confident and his personality shines through a little more. I'm really glad that we were able to use two cameras for the outside performance. I think we did a really good job at cutting and changing between the stationary and hand held camera as this provided much more variety than what we previously had.

Friday 17 April 2015

Project 2 - Evaluation of Filming (2nd Shoot)

I am very glad that we decided to go back and re-shoot some of our footage because I'm much happier with the results. As it was such lovely weather we decided to shoot Joe's performance outside so our video will have some variation in location and we won't be confined to the recording studio. We were able to use two cameras this time to get some great shots. The first camera was set up on the tripod and left stationary throughout the performance but we decided to use the second camera to get some nice close up, hand held shots. The footage from both cameras will be mixed together, switching back and forth from one another. 

I think that the interview with Joe was much better this time round. He was much more relaxed as he had an idea of the kind of things we were going to ask him. Our whole approach to asking the questions was also more relaxed, Shannon basically just had a chat with him instead of firing questions and this helped to put him at ease as it created more of a friendly atmosphere. 

Poor sound levels were quite a big issue with what we had previously shot and we were worried that we wouldn't be able to rectify this. Luckily, this time we made sure that we were recording at the correct levels which will save us from doing too much editing in post production. 

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Project 2 - Call Sheet (2nd Shoot)

PRODUCTION TITLE: We Are (Working Title)

LOCATION: 47 Middlefield Road, Cossington, LE7 4UT

DATE OF SHOOT: 15/04/2015

MEETING TIME & PLACE: 12:20 at DeMontfort AV Loans

CREW: Producer/Director, camera/lighting, sound/recording: Shannon Orviss, Lindsey Berrill, Bethan Harbison & Lewis Apps

Shannon Orviss     Mob Tel: 07968658140

Lindsey Berrill        Mob Tel: 07547636586

Bethan Harbison    Mob Tel: 07854313817

Lewis Apps             Mob Tel: 07949442059


EQUIPMENT: 1 x Zoom recorder
                        1 x Headphones
                        1 x Tripod
                        1 x Boom Mic
                        2 x Canon XF100

SCHEDULE: 12:20 - Lindsey and Shannon meet to collect equipment
                      12:45 - Meet Bethan and Lewis and drive to Joe's house
                      1:15   - Arrive at Joe's house to set up for filming outside
                      1:25   - Shoot footage of Joe singing outside
                      1:40   - Set up inside for interview
                      1:45   - Shoot interview
                      2:00   - Shoot additional footage
                      2:30   - Wrap 

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Project 2 - Evaluation of Filming

We encountered a few issues with broken equipment on this shoot. For example, one of our cameras was not working so we were unable to shoot from different angles as we had planned. However, we left Joe's house feeling fairly confident that we had shot some good footage. When we got back to uni, myself and Shannon uploaded the footage and had a quick look at what we had recorded. We did manage to get some really nice close ups of Joe playing various instruments and good audio from our interview however, I was pretty disappointed with some aspects of what we captured. We had some issues with camera movement during the interview which was supposed to be a stationary shot. We didn't know that the camera was being moved and zoomed until we later reviewed the footage and by then there was nothing we could do about it. We will do our best to rectify this in the editing stage by cutting clips or placing the interview audio over different shots. The sound levels were also all over the place and it may be difficult to fix this. 

We let the camera continuously roll for most of the time we were on the shoot. When Joe wasn't aware he was being filmed we actually got some our best footage because he was so much more relaxed and chatty. Unfortunately when it came to asking our questions, Joe comes across very nervous and uncomfortable. Ideally, we need to go back and re-shoot. We need to decide on some more precise questions so that he isn't daunted by the amount of freedom we have given him. Now that he has done this before and knows what to expect, he will hopefully come across a little more confident on camera. 

Monday 16 February 2015

Project 2 - Call Sheet


LOCATION: 47 Middlefield Road, Cossington, LE7 4UT

DATE OF SHOOT: 17/02/2015

MEETING TIME & PLACE: 12:00 noon at DeMontfort AV Loans

CREW: Producer/Director, camera/lighting, sound/recording: Shannon Orviss, Lindsey Berrill & Bethan Harbison

Shannon Orviss     Mob Tel: 07968658140

Lindsey Berrill        Mob Tel: 07547636586

Bethan Harbison    Mob Tel: 07854313817


EQUIPMENT: 1 x Zoom recorder
                       1 x Headphones
                       1 x Tripod
                       1 x Boom Mic
                       2 x Canon XF100

SCHEDULE: 12:00 - Lindsey and Shannon meet to collect equipment
                     12:10 - Meet Bethan and drive to Joe's house
                     12:30 - Arrive at Joe's house to set up for filming and quickly brief him
                     12:45 - Shoot interview
                     1:00   - Shoot additional footage of Joe playing instruments and around his studio
                     1:30   - Wrap 

Friday 13 February 2015

Project 2 - Treatment

Our video will document the life of musician, Joe Connor. The piece will be character driven, revolving solely around Joe and his passion for music; whether that be in his band or his solo career. We will interview him about how he got into music and the path he has taken. The interview will take place in Joe's recording studio which will tie in with our topic and hopefully ensure that Joe feels more comfortable and natural in his own environment. 
We will record further footage of Joe playing various instruments and working at his mixing desk. We would also like to include snippets of his music video from YouTube as well as other previously recorded live footage. The audio from his first solo single called 'We Are' will be played quietly throughout the majority of the video, fading in and out during certain points. 

We want this to be a very personal piece about Joe's journey and love of music. Through the use of recorded visuals and audio interviews we hope to create a revealing and interesting documentary piece to show people what happens behind the scenes.

Monday 9 February 2015

Project 2 - Choosing a Topic

We got in touch with Jamie Mitchell and explained our idea for the dance video but unfortunately he didn't respond to our message. We then reached out to the Jamaican squash player who told us that unfortunately it is too early in the season and training has not yet started. Luckily we had a third video idea and Joe Connor agreed to take part. This is the route we will be taking and we are now in contact with Joe, organizing a suitable date for filming.  

Saturday 7 February 2015

Project 2 - Topic Ideas

Together as a group we have come up with three possible routes we could take our video.

A). Shannon and I really enjoyed creating our ballet video for project one so we would like continue with the theme of dance, this time focusing on a very different style. The subject of our piece would be Bethan's former dance teacher, Jamie Mitchell. As part of a dance troupe called Cartel, Jamie auditioned for Britain's Got Talent in 2014. Despite being told by Simon Cowell that he was too old for the group, they continued forward to the live shows. We think that Jamie would make a really interesting subject for our video. We would like to interview him about his experience on the show and generally about his life as a dancer. 

B). Our second idea is to document the intense training of a professional Jamaican squash player. The video would be very much character driven, revolving wholly around him. We could perhaps include visuals of his home life if he allows us to do so. We would like to document this lesser known sport not only for the audience of our final video, but for ourselves too so that we can learn about something new. 

C). Our final idea is to document the life of musician, Joe Connor. Joe has been a bassist in a few bands and has recently started to record his own solo music. The sound of his band compared to the sound of his solo music are completely different so we would like to discuss this with him and find out where it all started.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Project 1 - Evaluation of the Shoot

When we came to record our interview we found that our boom mic was not working. We tried to fix this problem but soon realised that this would not be possible, so had to make the best of the built in mic on the zoom recorder. For this reason, the sound quality isn't as clear as we would have liked and this meant that we also had difficulty recording our spot sounds. We manged to record the sound of the light switching on as well as footsteps which provide a rhythm to our opening. Unfortunately the quality of the recorder was not good enough to pick up the sounds of ballet shoes moving on the floor and our ballerina, Katie was not available another time to re-record these. However, despite our difficulties i think we still managed to record a brilliant interview. Katie was exactly the kind of person we were looking for, she was confident and able to speak freely with little direction from us and i think her bubbly personality really comes across. We actually had a total of around 9 minutes of interview so we found it fairly tricky to cut this down to only one minute as this meant we had to sacrifice some interesting stories.

As we weren't allowed to use pre-recorded music we asked a friend to create something for us. He composed a piece of classical piano music which we have laid quietly underneath our interview. The music is faded in and out during the highs and lows of our main audio.

Initially we were hoping that Katie could provide us with some of her childhood images to accompany our piece but as she is currently living away from home, this was not possible. Instead, we managed to capture some really interesting shots in the dance studio, using the mirror to it's full advantage. We captured some continuous shots as Katie was dancing which we have quickly pieced together in Final Cut to create the effect of a moving image. We also specifically asked her to perform a Grande Jete to coincide with the story she was telling. Here are a few of our images... 

Here is our final video!


Wednesday 28 January 2015

Project 1 - Call Sheet


LOCATION: CODE accommodation, 46 Western Road, Leicester, LE3 0GH

DATE OF SHOOT: 28/01/15



Producer/Director, camera/lighting, sound/recording: Shannon Orviss & Lindsey Berrill

Shannon Orviss     Mob Tel: 07968658140
                              Home Tel: 01530830669

Lindsey Berrill        Mob Tel: 07547636586
                              Home Tel: 0121 742 6589

                                                              Interview time: 12:45pm

EQUIPMENT: 1 x Zoom Recorder
                        1 x Headphones
                        1 x Canon 700D
                        1 x Tripod


11:30     Lindsey & Shannon meet to get equipment
11:45     Collect equipment
12:15     Arrive at location, meet Katie & set up
12:45     Shoot interview
13:00     Shoot stills
13:30     Wrap

Monday 26 January 2015

Project 1 - Treatment

We wish to make an artistic piece based on ballet. The style of this film will be a recording of an interview with added spot sounds placed on still images with the possible addition of music. The interview will look into a ballet dancers personal opinions, feelings and actual experiences of the subject matter. It will be a poetic piece showcasing an art form that the person loves and their achievements within it.

We want to make this film as we do not know anything about the subject matter and would like to learn about a different cultural experience and familiarise ourselves with something new, thus furthering our ideological standpoint in a different area of society.

The photographs we use will ultimately depend on what is being talked about during the interview. We plan to ask about childhood experiences of ballet and how she first got into dancing. Perhaps we could ask our subject to provide photographs from her childhood to accompany this. Other images which we could photograph ourselves include slow shutter speed action shots of dancing to capture the movement of the art. As well as this we could shoot close ups of the ballet shoes/feet and the location of the interview which will most likely be in a dance studio in order to capture atmospheric sounds.

We will record spot sounds to accompany the interview. These will include the squeaking of feet on the floor, switching on of the studio lights, breathing as she dances and rhythmic counting which will provide a solid beat running throughout the piece.Ultimately the sounds we record will once again depend on what is said during the interview. From this we can decide what will be most appropriate.

We would like a piece of classical music playing quietly in the background of our video. As we are not allowed to use pre-recorded songs we will be making this ourselves using garage band.