Tuesday 17 February 2015

Project 2 - Evaluation of Filming

We encountered a few issues with broken equipment on this shoot. For example, one of our cameras was not working so we were unable to shoot from different angles as we had planned. However, we left Joe's house feeling fairly confident that we had shot some good footage. When we got back to uni, myself and Shannon uploaded the footage and had a quick look at what we had recorded. We did manage to get some really nice close ups of Joe playing various instruments and good audio from our interview however, I was pretty disappointed with some aspects of what we captured. We had some issues with camera movement during the interview which was supposed to be a stationary shot. We didn't know that the camera was being moved and zoomed until we later reviewed the footage and by then there was nothing we could do about it. We will do our best to rectify this in the editing stage by cutting clips or placing the interview audio over different shots. The sound levels were also all over the place and it may be difficult to fix this. 

We let the camera continuously roll for most of the time we were on the shoot. When Joe wasn't aware he was being filmed we actually got some our best footage because he was so much more relaxed and chatty. Unfortunately when it came to asking our questions, Joe comes across very nervous and uncomfortable. Ideally, we need to go back and re-shoot. We need to decide on some more precise questions so that he isn't daunted by the amount of freedom we have given him. Now that he has done this before and knows what to expect, he will hopefully come across a little more confident on camera. 

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