Saturday 7 February 2015

Project 2 - Topic Ideas

Together as a group we have come up with three possible routes we could take our video.

A). Shannon and I really enjoyed creating our ballet video for project one so we would like continue with the theme of dance, this time focusing on a very different style. The subject of our piece would be Bethan's former dance teacher, Jamie Mitchell. As part of a dance troupe called Cartel, Jamie auditioned for Britain's Got Talent in 2014. Despite being told by Simon Cowell that he was too old for the group, they continued forward to the live shows. We think that Jamie would make a really interesting subject for our video. We would like to interview him about his experience on the show and generally about his life as a dancer. 

B). Our second idea is to document the intense training of a professional Jamaican squash player. The video would be very much character driven, revolving wholly around him. We could perhaps include visuals of his home life if he allows us to do so. We would like to document this lesser known sport not only for the audience of our final video, but for ourselves too so that we can learn about something new. 

C). Our final idea is to document the life of musician, Joe Connor. Joe has been a bassist in a few bands and has recently started to record his own solo music. The sound of his band compared to the sound of his solo music are completely different so we would like to discuss this with him and find out where it all started.

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