Thursday 5 February 2015

Project 1 - Evaluation of the Shoot

When we came to record our interview we found that our boom mic was not working. We tried to fix this problem but soon realised that this would not be possible, so had to make the best of the built in mic on the zoom recorder. For this reason, the sound quality isn't as clear as we would have liked and this meant that we also had difficulty recording our spot sounds. We manged to record the sound of the light switching on as well as footsteps which provide a rhythm to our opening. Unfortunately the quality of the recorder was not good enough to pick up the sounds of ballet shoes moving on the floor and our ballerina, Katie was not available another time to re-record these. However, despite our difficulties i think we still managed to record a brilliant interview. Katie was exactly the kind of person we were looking for, she was confident and able to speak freely with little direction from us and i think her bubbly personality really comes across. We actually had a total of around 9 minutes of interview so we found it fairly tricky to cut this down to only one minute as this meant we had to sacrifice some interesting stories.

As we weren't allowed to use pre-recorded music we asked a friend to create something for us. He composed a piece of classical piano music which we have laid quietly underneath our interview. The music is faded in and out during the highs and lows of our main audio.

Initially we were hoping that Katie could provide us with some of her childhood images to accompany our piece but as she is currently living away from home, this was not possible. Instead, we managed to capture some really interesting shots in the dance studio, using the mirror to it's full advantage. We captured some continuous shots as Katie was dancing which we have quickly pieced together in Final Cut to create the effect of a moving image. We also specifically asked her to perform a Grande Jete to coincide with the story she was telling. Here are a few of our images... 

Here is our final video!


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