Friday 13 February 2015

Project 2 - Treatment

Our video will document the life of musician, Joe Connor. The piece will be character driven, revolving solely around Joe and his passion for music; whether that be in his band or his solo career. We will interview him about how he got into music and the path he has taken. The interview will take place in Joe's recording studio which will tie in with our topic and hopefully ensure that Joe feels more comfortable and natural in his own environment. 
We will record further footage of Joe playing various instruments and working at his mixing desk. We would also like to include snippets of his music video from YouTube as well as other previously recorded live footage. The audio from his first solo single called 'We Are' will be played quietly throughout the majority of the video, fading in and out during certain points. 

We want this to be a very personal piece about Joe's journey and love of music. Through the use of recorded visuals and audio interviews we hope to create a revealing and interesting documentary piece to show people what happens behind the scenes.

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